Udemy 2019 Event


In what is always an treat, the Taro’s Oakland staff was asked back again for another round of origami teaching.  In this trip to the popular online learning site’s brick and mortar location in San Fransisco, the stellar Jennifer Linderman taught a new group of employees some fun origami modular units and models using old map paper.  The unit is simple enough to fold repeatedly without too much trouble, but complex enough to create a wide variety of different structures.  Taro’s Origami Studio staff have been making excursions to corporate offices just like this one for over a decade, and there are a wide variety of options for events like this, from teaching models to staff, and also making models for them on demand.  Have a look below at the Udemy staff enjoying their break.


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Kicking off the Holiday Season with Gift Wrapping at Lord & Taylor

For Lord & Taylor's 5th Avenue holiday window unveiling, Taro's Origami Studio was hired by Lord & Taylor's to provide complimentary gift wrapping and origami embellishments for customers who attended the event. Our staff wrapped gifts in both the American and Japanese style, with the origami folded from vibrant washi paper.

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