Top Origamist in Philadelphia 2014 Spring

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Taro’s Origami Studio is hosting the first of its kind origami design contest at Subaru Cherry Blossom Festival of Greater Philadelphia on April 13th, 2014.  This contest is targeted for intermediate and advanced folders.

Place and Date

Sakura Sunday Event in Philadelphia on April 13th, 2014
Horticulture Center, Fairmount Park
Montgomery Drive & Belmont Avenue (I-76 Exit 341)
Philadelphia, PA 19131

For more information about the festival, please visit Subaru Cherry Blossom Festival website.

Time Frame

Demonstration and Design Time: 10:30AM – 12:00PM

Performance Time: 1:00PM – 1:45PM

Contest Results: 3:00PM


The theme will be announced at the event, where contestants will be challenged to spontaneously design a model that creatively expresses the event’s theme.

Inquiries and Registration

Please feel free to e-mail at  You do not need to pre-register and can come to Taro’s Origami booth at 10:00am on the day of event.


Rule 1

Origami designs must use square shaped origami sheets.  Only folding is allowed, and scissors may not be used except for when making different sized square origami sheets.

Rule 2

Origami designs must start from folding origami sheet in half with one of the two basic folds, the diagonal fold and the book fold, and proceed to further folding. You may unfold the diagonal or book fold and use the crease line as a reference.

Rule 3

Origami designs must be based on symmetrical shapes.  However, final touches that give an origami model expressive features do not need to be symmetrical

Rule 4

You may combine multiple sheets of origami paper for one model. You may also use glue to keep the final shape of the model fixed.

Design Stage and Performance Stage

The origami design challenge is made up of a design stage and a performance stage.

Design Stage

Using origami paper, design a shape that expresses the theme through trial and error. Aim for a design that can be completed within the time limit of the performance stage.

Perfomance Stage

Re-create the design using fresh paper.  Neatly fold and decorate your model within  an hour.

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