(Tokyo) An Evening with VERSACE JP

Home/Events, Origami Booth/(Tokyo) An Evening with VERSACE JP

Taro’s Origami Studio, Asakusa, was selected by VERSACE JP to provide origami entertainment at a recent event at their Ginza, Tokyo, location promoting their new line of luxury items. VERSACE is a prominent Italian luxury fashion brand founded in 1978 with stores and influence worldwide.

The primary client request was for a Taro’s Origami artist to fold four origami dress variations on demand with their customers. Additionally, our staff member would provide their internal staff with hands-on instruction and four curated videos demonstrating each origami dress step-by-step.

The event took place over three hours, and the origami experience was popular with VERSACE’s guests! Everyone in attendance enjoyed crafting their origami dress. We look forward to partnering with other businesses in the Tokyo area soon.

Taro’s Origami Studio specializes in origami education, drop-in experiences, advanced online classes, events, commissioned displays, and more.

For business inquiries, please email our local Asakusa team at asakusa@tarosorigami.com. For more information regarding our studio offerings, please explore our website.

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