Tiffany & Co. Holiday Events

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During the holidays every brand is looking for something that will impress and entertain their guests.  For this holiday season the luxury brand Tiffany & Co. had an idea.  They wanted to create a unique boutique shopping experience around the connections between origami and art.

In order to make this work, the Taro’s Origami Studio senior staff presented a quick talk to the Tiffany’s representatives laying out all of the different kinds of origami (models, tessellations, modulars, etc) and how they pull from the art world to create amazing things.   From there the Tiffany’s team hired Taro’s to show off, teach, and fold origami at 13 different stores all along the Eastern seaboard of the United States.

In connection with the holidays, the Taro’s staff also picked out several themed models for easy teaching.  The goal was to find the balance between clean & classic models that would still fit within the assigned time slots.

The events took place over the course of three weeks in early December and while each location handled it slightly differently, the team of Taro’s artists were able to engage guests of all ages.  In some cases people simply wanted to chat about how someone can be a professional paper folder, while others made requests of the artists.  But the best interactions were when people chose to dive in and try their own hand at folding a model or two.

Here are some examples of different kinds of origami that were used at the Tiffany stores.  The colors and model were chosen to fit the bright Andy Warhol theme from the latest ad campaign.

No matter that size of the project, the Taro’s origami team can find a way to make companies stand out with something unique, just like this.

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NYとサンフラシスコにあるタローズ折紙スタジオが提供する認定アーティスト・講師講座の無料ガイダンス(第1部)と、講習会(第2部)と、ワークショップ・懇親会(第3部)です。 ★第1部の無料ガイダンスでは、まず、タローズ折り紙スタジオの活動の紹介及び、タローズ折り紙スタジオが提供する独自の折り紙教授法「Taro's Origami Method」の紹介を致します。タローズ折り紙スタジオでは、Taro's Origami Methodに基づくOrigami Artistの認定を行っており、無料ガイダンスの最後にこの認定制度の紹介も致します。無料ガイダンスのみの参加も可能です。 ★第2部では、第1部に引き続き、希望者に対して認定コースの第1回講習会を行います。認定コースは全4回からなり、その第1回目になります。2回目以降の講習会は、オンサイト(ニューヨーク、サンフランシスコ、東京、フィラデルフィア、その他)若しくはオンラインで受講可能です。なお、第1部の無料ガイダンスセミナー参加者に引き続き、そのまま講習会に参加することも可能です(ただし有料)。なお、様子を知りたいという方は、無料で第2部の講習会を見学できます。また、第1部に参加せず、第2部の講習会からの参加も可能です。 ★第3部は、実践ワークショップ・懇親会で、認定コース受講者及び認定コース修了者向けで、懇親会を兼ねて練習及び折り紙講師によるワークショップを行います。 ★時間・費用 [...]

Cadillac Doves

Last week Taro's Origami Studio embarked on yet another large scale installation for a prestigious worldwide brand.  Over the course of the last month, the Taro's staff worked with the people at the Cadillac House in Lower Manhattan to design from scratch, render, select colors for, fold, and install a massive origami dove flock to fly from their brand new XT4 vehicle and into the rest of their building.

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