New York, NY

Taro Yaguchi, President and Teacher, Brooklyn NY/Tokyo Japan

Schedule Appointment Taro Yaguchi’s love for paper developed as a child growing up in Japan. His grandfather was involved with ...

Frank Ling, Senior Teacher and Head of Design, New York NY

Ever since the age of 5, when his grandfather folded a frog from a dollar bill, Frank Ling has had ...

Sai, Junior Teacher in New York, NY

I am a New York-based Japanese artist, I love origami – the art of creating countless shapes from just one ...

Joseph Adia, Senior Teacher in New York, NY

Joe Adia is a self-taught artist who has been practicing origami for over 15 years. He started folding at age ...

Jeff Raab, Senior Teacher in Milford, CT

Jeff has been practicing origami for 30 years. He has taught students of all ages and skill levels with Taro’s ...

Pennsylvania, USA

Ben Friesen, Senior Teacher and Head of Corporate Projects, Philadelphia PA

Ben is an origami expert who has been folding since the age of 5, when his mother gave him a ...

Washington DC, USA

Michiko Okuma, Junior Teacher in Washington, DC

I moved to Washington DC from Tokyo, Japan in 2017 with my husband. Since then, I have enjoyed working as ...

Yoshimi Muto, Junior Teacher in Arlington, VA

Yoshimi lives in Arlington, VA. She grew up in Japan folding origami like any Japanese kid would do, but rediscovered ...

Tokyo, JAPAN

Taro Yaguchi, President and Teacher, Brooklyn NY/Tokyo Japan

Schedule Appointment Taro Yaguchi’s love for paper developed as a child growing up in Japan. His grandfather was involved with ...

David Koichiro Silvert, Senior Teacher in Tokyo, Japan

私は東京で生まれ、最近戻ってきましたが、人生の大半はカリフォルニアに住んでいました。大学卒業後は技術関係の仕事に就いていましたが、折り紙は小学校で基本的な模型や飛行機を折った程度で、比較的新しい方です。とはいえ、昔から手を動かすことは好きでしたし、定期的に折り紙を折る機会を楽しみにしていますよ。自由な時間には、日本語を勉強したり、アウトドアやスポーツを楽しんだり、友人や家族と一緒に過ごしたりしています。 デービッドとのセッションのご予約は、直接メールにてお願いします。 連絡先 電子メール 所在地 東京、日本、日本標準時(JST)(浅草スタジオ) ティーチング 初級レベル ...

Hiroko Kato, Junior Teacher in Tokyo, Japan

I am a taxi driver and guide from Tokyo. I love to spend time with my daughter who is 7 ...

Chiyoko Machida, Junior Teacher in Tokyo, Japan

日本国東京在住。私は、医療の国家資格を持つ気功マスターです。 心身の健康と未病のための気功法を伝授しています。 またレゴエデュケーションインストラクターとして、子供の教育に10年以上携わりました。 ロボットサッカー全国大会やWRO全国大会に生徒チームが出場し入賞経験も沢山あります。 子どもの目標達成にチャレンジしていく能力を養うための指導経験も豊富です。 Taro’s  Origami Studio JAPANでは、Taro’s Origami methodの基本をしっかり学び、子供の想像性や集中力、考える力、創造力を養います。 子供達は自然にコミュニケーション能力が高まり、自分を大切にする力と自信が備わります。 Contact Email: Availability Currently located in Tokyo, Japan Online ...

“Yuzu” Ayaka Yunoki, Senior Teacher in Tokyo, Japan

Yuzu is an origami teacher as well as a performer of traditional Japanese music, and has performed at Japanese cultural ...