Taro’s Origami @ Wharton House

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Origami Event @ the Edith Wharton Home in Lenox MA

Edith Wharton, the first female recipient of the pulitzer prize in fiction, dedicated her life to writing.  And now her home in Lenox MA is a museum to her life in the American Gilded Age as well as the visual arts.  With over 24 unique sculptures on display, it is now one of the best places for events on the East Coast.

Last week, Ben Friesen, the Head of Corporate projects for Taro’s, was thrilled to trade in his usual paperwork (invoices and estimates) for another form of paperwork (origami lessons) at the historic home.

The event for a Bar Mitzvah of an origami lover and insect enthusiast, so take a look at what we came up with for the event.

The Day of the Event

In order to be fully prepared for the event, Ben drove up to Lanox MA the day before.  Then after setting up the origami paper and example models, there was a little time to explore the famous home and take in the impressive surroundings.  The homestead has been meticulously upheld to represent what daily life looked like in 1920’s America.

Finally, after the guests arrived, the origami table was flooded in excited guests and folding was non-stop for the next 4 hours. We were howeve, able to get a photo of the happy crew after folding a bunch of animals, flowers, and insects.  It was a locations unlike anything else Taro’s has folded at and it was a privledge to teach everyone there.

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