Origami Hummingbirds @ RHS Hampton Gallery Origami Hummingbirds @ RHS Hampton 1Commissions, Installations, Origami Production Origami Hummingbirds @ RHS Hampton Origami Hummingbirds @ RHS Hampton Court [...]
New York Fashion Week Origami Installation Gallery New York Fashion Week Origami Installation 1Commissions, Installations, Origami Production New York Fashion Week Origami Installation About a month ago, Taro's [...]
Custom Origami Aventina Dove Instructions Gallery Custom Origami Aventina Dove Instructions Origami Production, Origami Videos / Photos Custom Origami Aventina Dove Instructions Established in 2022, Aventia provides a comprehensive suite [...]
Papercraft Lantern Event @ NYC Tiffany Flagship Gallery Papercraft Lantern Event @ NYC Tiffany Flagship Group Classes and Events, Origami Production Papercraft Lantern Event @ NYC Tiffany Flagship Taro's Origami Studio has worked with [...]
Taro Yaguchi, President and Teacher, Brooklyn NY/Tokyo Japan Gallery Taro Yaguchi, President and Teacher, Brooklyn NY/Tokyo Japan 2Taro's Origami Teachers, New York, USA, Tokyo, Japan Taro Yaguchi, President and Teacher, Brooklyn NY/Tokyo JapanSchedule Appointment Taro Yaguchi’s love for paper developed as a [...]
Frank Ling, Senior Teacher and Head of Design, New York NY Gallery Frank Ling, Senior Teacher and Head of Design, New York NY 2Taro's Origami Teachers, New York, USA Frank Ling, Senior Teacher and Head of Design, New York NYEver since the age of 5, when his grandfather folded [...]