With the successful launch of the Falcon Heavy rocket, and in conjunction with the Satellite 2018 Convention, SpaceX was looking for a way to celebrate and tapped Taro’s Origami for some folding fun at a downtown Washington D.C. restaurant.
Throughout the night, Taro’s Origami folder Ben Friesen taught guests rocket models and even folded some space ships that were exclusively designed for this private event.

Here is a view of just a few of the rocket models that were folded and taught at the event
Ben also spent some time folding models on demand for people, that ranged from elephants and horses, to spinners and cubes. The entire event was a laid back exploration of some of the fun things people can make out of paper using their engineering and imagination skills. There were also a bunch of people that stopped by and learned how to fold something on their own instead of after for prefolded models. Here are a few photos of the event and people trying their hand at origami:

Here was the location for the SpaceX event.

This is right after the final fold of the model and the rocket opens up

Showing off the finished model

Some people stopped by to learn new models and try them out themselves

Taking your time with folding always helps in origami.