Roger Vivier Detailed Crane and Box

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In early 2017, Taro’s Origami Studio in Park Slope Brooklyn NY, worked with Roger Vivier, the luxury shoe and style company to create intricate and unique origami giveaway for guests.



The project began with a request to create an intricate origami box for guests, and evolved several times over the course of its production.  Here are two of the original origami boxes created by the studio as options.  Both of these boxes are created using two separate squares- one for the box and one for the lid.

twist box atwist box b

From there the idea morphed into a gift box that contained a delicate origami crane for people to leave with.  So the origami studio created another amazing model as an option, this time integrating the box and lid into one single origami model.

open closed (2)

But the third and most exciting iteration of this project emerged with the inclusion of some fantastic laser-cut paper.  The paper was made with a guipure lace pattern cut out of it to provide the look you see below.

lazer cut guipure plain square guipure guipure box and crane guipure crane

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