Asian-American Heritage Event @ PECO

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Recently Ben Friesen, a Senior Artist for Taro’s Origami Studio, visited the PECO Electric Company in Warminster, PA for a company-wide origami lesson as a part of their Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month.  Taro’s was invited to visit their greater Philadelphia office to provide a little context about the history of origami in Asian culture as well as how it has been passed on to the rest of the world, and enriched various fields of study, like engineering, aerospace, and biology.

After the quick discussion about origami, the group dove in to a class teaching one of the best beginner origami models, a classic origami spinner.  The group was a good split of some people that have tried origami before and newcomers, but everyone helped each other out to finish each step and in the end, everyone left with a working model!

At the end of the event, everyone even posed for a great photo with their origami- it was a great way to spend a lunch break and try your hand at a new skill.  If you’re interested in having an origami event for your group have a look at our corporate page and give us a call!


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