Origami for Mercedes Benz

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For the launch of their top of the line Maybach sedan, Mercedes-Benz wanted an origami event, so they contacted Taro’s Origami Studio. The Maybach trim line is also their highest level of luxury, so Mercedes wanted to make sure everything was as upsclae and premium as possible.   To help with the event, Frank Ling helped to team secure custom Maybach paper and taught guests the classic origami crane.

Then after the canes were passed out and guests had a chance to see the vehicle, Frank custom designed a brand new origami car model just for the showroom.  Orgiami cars are notoriously hard to teach and take a long time to fold, but Frank designed this one to be folded quickly, and taught to the guests.

This care model was also the inspiration and first draft of the model Frank diagramed and taught at the convention this year.  That class was vary well attended and everyone really enjoyed folding this unique model.

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Taro’s Gallery

You can enjoy taro's unique origami gallery more at http://taro.origamipapercraft.com/gallery/. [...]

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