Origami Classes for Stripe

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We’ve all been there. You’re in the middle of a huge project and the entire team is tired but you need to find a way to keep everyone energized and happy.  Recently Taro’s Origami Studio was sent over to the new Stripe Headquarters in Downtown San Francisco in just such a case.  The origami provided a welcome engaging and entertaining activity for the employees to de-stress and use a different more artistic part of their brain.

Stripe is a powerful new technology company with software tht allows individuals and businesses to receive payments over the Internet. They provides the technical, fraud prevention, and banking infrastructure required to operate on-line payment systems.

One of the great things about origami for corporate events (aside from the group-building, mind-expanding, artistic value) is just how simple it is to setup and provide.  For any origami event, all you need is a flat place to fold and some paper, so for the Stripe event, Jennifer setup a simple origami model display station so that people could see what each finished origami model looked like.  That way people could choose what they wanted to make and what color they wanted to make it.

After the event, everyone from the entertainment company that found the studio to the Stripe employees raved about how much fun they had and also about how the activity itself was a wonderful change of pace from staring at screens most of the day.  They were also impressed at how easy origami can be, and we here at Taro’s couldn’t agree more!

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Chiyoko Machida, Junior Teacher in Tokyo, Japan

日本国東京在住。私は、医療の国家資格を持つ気功マスターです。 心身の健康と未病のための気功法を伝授しています。 またレゴエデュケーションインストラクターとして、子供の教育に10年以上携わりました。 ロボットサッカー全国大会やWRO全国大会に生徒チームが出場し入賞経験も沢山あります。 子どもの目標達成にチャレンジしていく能力を養うための指導経験も豊富です。 Taro’s  Origami Studio JAPANでは、Taro’s Origami methodの基本をしっかり学び、子供の想像性や集中力、考える力、創造力を養います。 子供達は自然にコミュニケーション能力が高まり、自分を大切にする力と自信が備わります。 [...]

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