Newseum Origami Corporate Gala in D.C.

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For a recent corporate gala in for Live! Casino + Hotel at the Newseum, Taro’s Origami Artist Frank Ling folded origami models from specialty made newspaper print origami paper for guests.  The night was setup as an entertaining event for the the Live Casino + Hotel’s Chairmen’s Dinner and the origami that Taro’s Studio provided was a part of the unique event.  Mr. Ling folded models of all kinds for guests, and was even able to take unique requests for people.

The paper for the event was even specially designed in old-timey newspaper print to add another layer of exclusivity for the event.  The design was chosen after a process of edits to make sure the origami would fit into the theme of the night, and then Taro’s Origami had the paper printed just for this one night.

Aside from the origami, the night was filled with lots of other exciting entertainment and guests, including none-other than the beloved national news broadcaster Katie Couric.

Have a look at some of the awesome models that Taro’s made and if you would like more info on how Taro’s Origami Studio can make a night special for you, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or email.


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