MIKI HOUSE corporate event run by Taro’s Origami Studio

Home/Past Events/MIKI HOUSE corporate event run by Taro’s Origami Studio
[From Chopsticks NY Newspaper article] Japan’s leading clothing and shoes manufacturer for children is holding a free special Origami event at the Bloomingdale’s Bergen County location in New Jersey. Based on instruction from famed Taro’s Origami Studio, known for innovative origami model designs, the class will be taught using an iPad for an interactive and fun experience. Children with no origami experience can learn the basics of paper folding, and make cute MIKI HOUSE characters like bears and rabbits. The event will be held On October 1, from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Location: Bloomingdale’s Bergen Store
(The Shops at Riverside Mall)
400 Hackensack Ave., 1st Fl., Hackensack, NJ 07601
TEL: 201-457-2000
Info: www.mikihouse-usa.com

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