Louis Vuitton Origami Mother’s Day Event

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For Mother’s Day, Taro’s Origami Studio continued their partnership with Louis Vuitton creating unique origami experiences for guests.  This year, Taro’s Artist Joe Adia held an origami lesson animation for kids of all ages so that parents could enjoy visiting the store on the holiday.

Joe taught children and visitors of all ages a few different models, but the most popular things that were taught were flowers.  From tulips, to lilies, to roses, guests had a chance try their hand making their very own unique gift for Mom.


Taro’s Origami Artist Joe Adia can be seen here showing off some origami folds to an excited guest.

An origami lesson in progress.

After the event is over, the Louis Vuitton location then also had beautiful models from the lessons available to them so they could use them to decorate some of the store, and even offer them as gifts to customers and visitors.  Feel free to contact our Head of Corporate Projects Ben Friesen at ben@tarosorigami.com if you have any questions about how Taro’s could liven up your event with some unique guest experiences.

Flowers were the model of choice for the majority of guests.

Louis Vuitton has Taro’s Origami Studio over to their flagship store to teach origami to guests.

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