Happy Father’s Day! & Origami Summer Camp

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With summer right around the corner and so many great concerts, barbecues, parks, beaches and parties to distract us, father’s day can sometimes sneak up on people. So before that happens on Sunday, June 17th be sure to find dad something he will enjoy.

May we suggest a unique gift of origami lessons instead of a tie he’ll never wear? Our origami studio has gift cards available for every occasion, and from regular adult classes (20$) to private lessons (40$) your dad can come whenever he wants and have some fun folding.

Aslo, we are pleased to announce that due to popular demand, we have added an evening class for children on Tuesdays, 6:30-7:15. Feel free to stop by after going to the park on sunny days for the perfect activity to help focus an energetic mind.

And lastly, the coming of the summer and the end of the school year means its time for Origami Summer Camp! We offer summer camps starting on July 10th at our origami studio, but hurry, spaces are filling up fast!

Let’s Origami!
Origami Summer Camp
Tues-Friday: 1:00-3:00pm

Looking for the perfect summer activity? Origami is not only a fun and ancient art form; it is also a skill that now uses the cutting edge of science and math. With our 4-day summer classes your child can learn a talent they can keep enjoying for a lifetime.
Our 4-day 2-hour summer classes are tailor-built to teach origami from the ground up for children of all ages.

Day 1
On the Tuesday of teach week we will focus on some of the history of origami and how it’s gone from religious uses in the early 1400s to helping find the best way to pack modern-day airbags and satellites. We will teach with a respect for the paper and a focus on accuracy and patience. We will start with a few simple models and then decide on a complicated model to build toward for the rest of the week.
Day 2
On Wednesday, the second day of the week we will continue to teach the basic folds needed for origami and also what those folds look like in origami books, so you can read them on their own. We will also create more models that integrate the folds we will need for the groups’ complex project, and continue to create models to decorate and take home.
Day 3
On Thursday we will review some of the models we’ve already created and see how we can improve on our folding skills. Origami strives for perfection, but never achieves it, and this creates a great opportunity to instill pride in each child’s work as they can noticeably improve with practice and patience on their model. We will also make some modular origami models to help teach these values.
Day 4
On Friday we will use everything we’ve learned the entire week to create our complex model everyone is excited about. We will make it reading diagrams and helping each other make something each child will be proud of. At the end of the week, the children will be able to read standard origami books, and leave with not only works of art they created, but a great appreciation and satisfaction for the hard work and dedication involved in learning a foreign talent.

A Few Benefits of Origami
Behavioral Skills, Cooperative Learning, Cognitive Development, Physical Therapy, Link to Mathematics, and Multi-cultural Awareness
For more info, click here.

Lastly, Consider Taro’s Origami Studio for birthday parties and party space rentals. We’ve now added the option of Origami instructors for parties too and they’ve been a hit! We also accept birthday parties on certain weekdays during the summer. Please feel free to make an inquiry.

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