Farfetch Luxury Clothing Origami Commission

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Farfetch is a British-based luxury clothing and fashion line.  Last month when they where looking for a unique and eye-catching way to distribute an exclusive discount to selected guests, they contacted Taro’s Origami Studio.

After consulting with the design team at the origami studio on issues like paper weight, model size, and how the design should unfold, the Taro’s staff came up with a simple and elegant design for their announcement.  Once the original design was agreed on, (which you can see a simple version of in the first picture) the Farfetch team was then able to create the graphic they wanted in the corresponding panels the model created (which you can see in the second picture).  This way the graphics were able to integrate seamlessly into the origami design process.


Crease Lines (1)  IMG_5923

After the design phase, the Taro’s staff was able to take the double-sided printed sheets and, using a precision machine to cut out exact shapes (in this case hexagons) and pre-crease the needed lines, mass create the finished model with unrivaled precision.  In the end, the finished models had a very tight locking mechanism in the paper, so that these individual works of art could be unfolded and enjoyed by everyone they came in contact with.  With some of the best designers, folders, experience, and materials in the origami field, the Taro’s staff was able to create something special for Farfetch.  I’m sure if you look at the finished product below, you’ll agree!

2018-01-31 Origami Flowers 010 2018-01-31 Origami Flowers 009

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Chiyoko Machida, Junior Teacher in Tokyo, Japan

日本国東京在住。私は、医療の国家資格を持つ気功マスターです。 心身の健康と未病のための気功法を伝授しています。 またレゴエデュケーションインストラクターとして、子供の教育に10年以上携わりました。 ロボットサッカー全国大会やWRO全国大会に生徒チームが出場し入賞経験も沢山あります。 子どもの目標達成にチャレンジしていく能力を養うための指導経験も豊富です。 Taro’s  Origami Studio JAPANでは、Taro’s Origami methodの基本をしっかり学び、子供の想像性や集中力、考える力、創造力を養います。 子供達は自然にコミュニケーション能力が高まり、自分を大切にする力と自信が備わります。 [...]

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