

At Taro’s Origami Studio, we have an activity for customers to drop in and try origami for themselves. Stop by our Brooklyn studio whenever it’s convenient – no reservations necessary. Please refer to our business hours.

We’re currently serving our Asakusa, Tokyo, attendees on a reservation basis. Please refer to our dedicated Asakusa page for more booking details.

With our tablet software that will assist you with each step of the folding process, we’ve created a unique folding experience for kids (and adults) who want to try out origami.

We recommend that Drop-In attendees be at least five years of age or older so they can follow the instructions shown on the tablet screens.

Please take advantage of our growing library of origami books and fold any model suitable for your level!

Pricing and Availability

  • $10.00 per person for 30 minutes, origami paper included!
  • Available anytime our studios are open* **. No reservations required
    • *Some Saturdays, we may have birthday parties scheduled in the studio space. Please call ahead to check if you can stop by on a Saturday
    • **Please check the business hours for each of our locations, as they differ slightly

How It Works

Step 1: Using the touchscreen menu on our PC tablets, choose your favorite origami model from the selected categories available on the tablets.

Step 2: Head to our origami paper wall and choose the color of your origami sheet(s). When choosing, please keep the design you’re folding in mind.

Step 3: Return to your PC tablet and press the “Play” button to begin. You may replay or return to previous steps as necessary, using the “next” button in either direction.

Step 4: Choose stickers, stamps, and markers to decorate and personalize your origami creation.

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Test(staff only)

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