Cat (Origami Animals)

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In our video Taro’s Origami Teacher will teach each model in the book according to Taro’s Origami Method

  • Step1. Select one model from bellow list of model pictures for video turorial
  • Step2. Input payment information
  • Step3. Select existing member option and input your user name and password
  • Step4. Enjoy the book with the streaming video
  • Step5. Further additional video is available $0.99 each after registration
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Kicking off the Holiday Season with Gift Wrapping at Lord & Taylor

For Lord & Taylor's 5th Avenue holiday window unveiling, Taro's Origami Studio was hired by Lord & Taylor's to provide complimentary gift wrapping and origami embellishments for customers who attended the event. Our staff wrapped gifts in both the American and Japanese style, with the origami folded from vibrant washi paper.

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