Brooklyn, New York

Home/Brooklyn, New York


Taro’s Origami Studio, the first origami studio in United States, it thrilled to announce the re-opening of its flagship store in the Japan Village neighborhood of Industry City Brooklyn. The studio, located on the second floor of the industrial complex for food, shops, and art, will provide the greater New York City Area with origami items and services, including authentic Japanese paper, hard-to-find origami diagram books, a dedicated space for birthday parties, a rotating display of amazing origami models, and lessons on the ancient art of paper folding for people of all ages.

Origami Experiences in The studio

At Taro’s Origami Studio, we have an origami experience activity for customers. Please make a reservation before you come. For 30 minutes self-guided experience, with our tablet software that will assist you with each step of the folding process, we’ve created a unique folding experience for kids (and adults) who want to try out origami.

Take advantage of our growing library of origami books and fold any model suitable for your level! Recommended for experienced folders.


Our mission has always been to create an environment where freedom of expression is encouraged through origami folding. Taro has designed this space as an origami museum that will showcase a variety of origami models. We want to develop this place into a new art destination in Brooklyn.

Origami Private Lessons

For beginners the classes section is the perfect place to start you origami journey!  We will spend the first class assessing your skills and seeing what kind of models you like and are able to fold.  These are tailored for folders ages 5 and up.  If you’re more advanced and looking for some professional help on more advanced origami concepts, head over to the private / group lessons section

Private Lesson Booking

Party Space Rentals

Your child can choose themes from the origami software library that they would like to share with party guests. We have a variety of animals and objects a child can choose including a rabbit, bear, frog, flowers, an airplane, boat, and/or truck. We also have many colors and designs of origami paper so that each child can choose according to preference and express their creativity.

Along with the origami instructor staff, each child will try hands-on origami using the touchscreen-based origami software. After folding an origami, each child has the opportunity to decorate origami with stamps, stickers and decorative pens. Not only will children make memories with this unique experience, they will be have the chance to save those memories by taking home their very own origami art, and the knowledge of folding learned for years to come.

Space Rentals Booking

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Cadillac Doves

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2018年10月19日 (東京第3回)認定タローズ折り紙アーティスト/講師無料ガイダンス

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