Benefits of Origami Folding

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Why Origami is Great for You

Behavioral skills: Origami is an example of “schematic learning through repeatable actions”. To be successful, the student must watch closely and listen carefully to specific instructions and then carry them out with neatness and accuracy. For many, this way of learning engenders a patience that leads to pride in one’s work, the ability to focus energy, and increased self-esteem.

Cooperative Learning: Origami is well-suited to working with large classrooms and in a multi-age setting. Paper folding tends to eliminate the status associated with age and often younger children can be in a position to teach the older ones. Many people report that children who do not “star” in other places are often quick to learn origami and help their classmates master the steps.

The Bridge to Math: Transforming a flat piece of paper into a three-dimensional figure is a unique exercise in spatial reasoning. What happens when you unfold an origami model? Can you see the symmetry in the crease patterns? Manipulating paper with their hands helps children learn concepts that may otherwise seem abstract. In addition, paper folding allows students to create and manipulate basic geometric shapes such as squares, rectangles, and triangles.

Cognitive Development: Through the actual folding, children use their hands to follow a specific set of steps in sequence, producing a visible result that is at once clever and pleasing. The steps must be performed in a prescribed order and with a fine attention to detail to yield a successful outcome – an important lesson not only in origami, but in life.

Multi-cultural Awareness: Rooted in Asia, origami reflects the ingenuity and aesthetics of Japanese culture. By participating, students gain appreciation of a different culture, perhaps opening a doorway to further exploration and increased tolerance.

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Chiyoko Machida, Junior Teacher in Tokyo, Japan

日本国東京在住。私は、医療の国家資格を持つ気功マスターです。 心身の健康と未病のための気功法を伝授しています。 またレゴエデュケーションインストラクターとして、子供の教育に10年以上携わりました。 ロボットサッカー全国大会やWRO全国大会に生徒チームが出場し入賞経験も沢山あります。 子どもの目標達成にチャレンジしていく能力を養うための指導経験も豊富です。 Taro’s  Origami Studio JAPANでは、Taro’s Origami methodの基本をしっかり学び、子供の想像性や集中力、考える力、創造力を養います。 子供達は自然にコミュニケーション能力が高まり、自分を大切にする力と自信が備わります。 [...]

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