Amazon Web Services Origami Event

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IMG_7718    Spring is here, and in San Francisco at the Amazon Web Services Headquarters, Taro’s Origami Studio helped a bunch of employees celebrate the season by spending some time folding origami flowers and bunnies.  As a part of their regular slate of programmed events and parties, AWS had a Spring party over the lunch break and included some origami lessons as well as other fun holiday activities.  Jennifer Linderman was the staffer for this event, and she came over from the Oakland branch to help out AWS.

Taro’s Origami Studio actually has a long history of working with companies across the country for parties and social gatherings of all type sand sizes.  Sometimes Taro’s teaches models like in this case and sometimes they can simply fold anything you’d like on the stop so that people can leave with something personal from the event.  Feel free to check out some more of the events Taro’s has helped out with HERE.



The Amazon Web Services Headquarters in downtown San Fransisco


Here are a few of the Spring themed origami models that Jennifer taught, with a great shot of downtown.

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