Agios Origami Group Lesson in Boston

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Recently, the Taro’s staff had the pleasure of teaching a huge origami class for Agios, a Cambridge based pharmachetical company.  This is the story of how we found a unique way to engage their staff and connect to the arts.

1: Brainstorming

Agios started with one work of art.  The piece is of a hand reachingout for a red blood cell.  As a company Agios is known for their work in cellular metabolism and they were inspird to try and connect the activity to the art work.   Then, after seeing our previous work with Glenfiddich on another recent project, we decided to create a similar collage of the hand and their origami work.

2: Teaching

Next, the team of Frank Ling and Jeff Raab traveled up to Boston, and got to work setting up.  They started with a presentation on the history of origami and how it has always had a tight connection to the worlds of art and science.  From there the lesson began, and they proceeded to star twith some simple origami models and then work up to some more impressive forms.

3: Collaborating

Then while everyone was busy folding new models, the staff collected all the origami hearts and suprised the team with a hand collage based on the original artwork.  During the lesson the team worked together to help make sure everyone was able to fold the models, and this new collage was a great way to remind everyone of wha twe did and them teamwork it took.

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David Koichiro Silvert, Junior Teacher in Tokyo, Japan

私は東京で生まれ、最近戻ってきましたが、人生の大半はカリフォルニアに住んでいました。大学卒業後は技術関係の仕事に就いていましたが、折り紙は小学校で基本的な模型や飛行機を折った程度で、比較的新しい方です。とはいえ、昔から手を動かすことは好きでしたし、定期的に折り紙を折る機会を楽しみにしていますよ。自由な時間には、日本語を勉強したり、アウトドアやスポーツを楽しんだり、友人や家族と一緒に過ごしたりしています。 デービッドとのセッションのご予約は、直接メールにてお願いします。 連絡先 電子メール 所在地 東京、日本、日本標準時(JST)(浅草スタジオ) ティーチング 初級編 [...]

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