In late 2017 and early 2018 Taro’s Origami Studio worked with a local Brooklyn based artist to create an enormous, elaborate, and elegant Lexus origami installation.
Here is the result!
To begin with the idea started with creating some kind of art work out of the “thank you” letters that have been sent to Lexus for their wonderful customer service. Taro’s Origami Studio was brought on board to create a distinct geometric shape out of these letters that the art could grow out of. After working through several different shapes and directions that were created by Taro’s Origami designers, an octahedral shape was picked and refined so that production could begin. The final model is actually folded out of an octagon sheet of paper and uses a unique form of retardant cardstock.
Over the course of several weeks, Taro’s Origami staff cut, creased, shaped, and individually numbered over 2,000 of these models. Then after they were sent to the warehouse for the installation, they were strung to specific lengths and placed in exact locations in order to create the dramatic effect seen in the final commercial. Have a look at the impressive level of craftsmanship and detail that can be seen in these exclusive behind-the-scenes photos and videos!

Close up view of the hanging models

Front view of the entire display

The hanging models had much more depth than you might normally think.

From the side you can begin to see the “L” of the logo take shape.

Full side view of the Lexus Logo
Here is a video we took of the entire model on the day of filming.