Taro’s Origami Studio is proud to announce that the famous ANA Intercontinental Hotel in Tokyo has selected Taro’s as their centerpiece provider for their Atrium Lounge. From January through March every year Japan is in strawberry season, and Taro’s has designed a unique strawberry origami centerpiece for the lobby of the hotel.
In order to create these centerpieces, seeral designs were created as options until the perfect final one was agreed upon.
After the final model was chosen, production began with the entire staff folding hundreds of little models to create the finished product. Here are some great photos of the origami artists and models in action:

These are the white strawberry flowers, folded with a unique 5 petal design

Here are the specially designed strawberry kallix models for the centerpiece
After completing all of hte models and boxing them up for delivery to the ANA in Tokyo, the centerpieces were displayed throughout the lobby of the hotel for all to enjoy the strawberry season!